Sea Dos and Sea Don’ts


Sea Do’s and Sea Don’ts

When it comes to vehicle learning curves, Sea-Doos are typically among the easier vehicles to learn how to ride. However, there are just some things that aren’t told to you right off the bat, such as remembering what to do or what not to do, and when. We have listed some of the most important do’s and don’ts of owning a Sea-Doo.


Don’t drink and drive.

This is rather self-explanatory as this rule applies to every single vehicle out there, but just know your limits. Since this is a low occupancy vehicle, this is more for your safety. Check with your state’s boating laws if you have any questions.

Don’t drive after sunset.

Most manufacturers don’t even install navigation lights for PWCs. This is because, in most states, it is illegal to operate a PWC at night. The cut-offs are 30 minutes after sunrise and 30 minutes before sunset. Make sure to remember these to avoid any troublesome tickets.

Use common sense

Another pretty obvious tip. Know what you can do and know what you can’t do in terms of skill level. Don’t try any hairpin turns if you have never learned how to. Don’t try any weird riding style if you have never been instructed that way.

Don’t start your watercraft in less than waist-deep water.

The jet from the PWC can be quite dangerous, so make sure you are in deeper water when stepping on the gas.

Never carry more people than the limit on the watercraft.

Another safety tip. Sea-Doos are inherently small, so don’t try to pack on more than the limit in an attempt to make one less trip back and forth. Play it safe and keep to the manufacturer’s recommendations.


Always wear a life jacket

A life jacket is meant to save your life. Even if you know how to swim, you still need to wear a life jacket. A life jacket is for when you fall off the craft, and is helpful if you get a cramp, get hurt, or pass out – a life jacket will keep your head above water. We recommend bright color life jackets if given the option so that you stand out in the water.

Always keep your items in a dry bag

Make sure you have proper documents like a driver’s license, boaters ID, insurance, and some spare cash if you need to get gas. Keep these items in a dry bag.

Learn your Sea-Doo controls

  • They’re a lot easier to drive than many think, but there are a few things to keep in mind:
  • Be prepared to start moving when you turn on the watercraft, as many start in gear. If your watercraft has iBR, you will start in neutral, but still, be ready and clear.
  • Many watercraft need to be given a little throttle if you want it to steer. This is more important on older watercraft, as newer models will have off-throttle assisted steering.
  • Always keep a safe riding distance from others. Always know who is around you and keep a safe distance. Other boats can’t move as quickly as you can on a Sea-Doo, so keep that in mind.

Listen to No-Wake Zones

Only idle in no-wake zones. The no-wake zones are the white floating cones at the entrance of a cove or near land and boats. This is to respect others and to keep waves from damaging boats, and to keep the waves small at the ramps for loading and unloading. Police often give the worst tickets at the no-wake zones, so it’s best to follow the rules

Wear a safety lanyard

The safety lanyard is the cord that attaches to you and the watercraft. This is a kill switch that turns the engine off if you’re not on the craft.

Make sure the safety lanyard is attached to you when the Sea-Doo is running. It’s preferred that the safety lanyard is securely on your life jacket. If that is not an option, you can attach it to your wrist (your instruction manual will tell you the best place to attach your lanyard).

The last major Sea-Do is to buy the right Sea-Doo for you. If you are looking into getting one, then consider taking a look at Gull Boats & RV’s selection! We also have a HUGE inventory of boats and RVs! If you have any questions, reach out to our amazing team of experts at 406-549-6169 or visit us in person at 2601 West Broadway, Missoula, MT 59808.

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